Ittica Arborea Soc.Coop

Strada 19 Est
09092 - Arborea (Oristano)
Settore: Alimenti

Art. 6 Scopo e oggetto la cooperativa opera senza finalit lucrative. Lo scopo che i soci della cooperativa intendono perseguire quello di ottenere, tramite la gestione in forma associata dell'azienda "ittica arborea " nella quale prestano la propria at ...continua

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Ittica Arborea Soc.Coop a Arborea (Oristano)

Strada 19 Est
Arborea (OR)
09092 Italia
P.IVA 01036700951
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Ittica Arborea Soc.Coop - Prodotti e Servizi
Art. 6 Aim and object the cooperative operates without finalit lucrative. The objective that the soci of the cooperative intendono pursue that to obtain, by means of the management in form associated of the company "ittica arborea " in which loan the own attivit labour, the best conditions retributive, cheap, social and professional. The societ finally of the perseguimento of his aims, pu svolgere the own attivit also with thirds keeping the criteri of the prevalencia to the fine mutualistici. The cooperative potr svolgere, with direction mutualistico, any other attivit connected to the up enumerated aims, nonch fulfil all the records, the transactions and conclude all the contractual operations of nature real estate, mobiliare, and financial, necessary and useful for the realisation of the objective and of the attivit social. To such aim pu require contributions and fundings to each institutional level, comprised the or.And., private Banks and of subjects; sottoscrivere agreements of program, protocols of intesa, promote and adherir to consortiums and do quant'other finally to achieve the aims prefissati. The cooperative potr , besides, give the adhesion to entes and cheap organisms or fideiussori, direct to consolidate and develop the cooperative movement and to coordinate the attivit providenciales, asistenciales and mutualistiche. The societ , with reference to the requirements and to the interests of the soci, has for object: 1. ;Cater to the realisation and/or to the management of installations of acquicoltura, inteso like crianza of especially ittiche in peschiere and/or embalses artificial and/or natural, in earth , in the rivers, in the lakes, in the lagunas and in the sea using the systems pi advanced and rational ; embalses and siti of crianza to sea and no, for the accrescimento of the molluschi, of the crustaceans and of the hedgehogs of mar. 2. Attuare The processes of conservation, terminación, transformation and commercialisation of the products and under products ittici allevati, fishes and/or products. 3. Production, transformation, stabulazione, terminación and conservation of the products ittici , as the valid sanitary norms and with methods pi idonei and technologically pi advanced; 4. Purchase areas demaniali, lagunari and maritime in concesión and assume affittanza of valleys, channels, embalses, lakes and rivers, nonch his management, maintenance and sorveglianza, in the princes of the defence of the environment and of the resources ; 5. Valorizzare Each type of product ittico fish and/or allevato of the soci, avvalendosi of the regulations and of each norm of law that foresee interventions finally to improve the conditions of life of the sector , was to través potenziamento of the equipments, of the technicians of peach and of crianza and are by means of the realisation and the employment of means for the terminación, conservation , transformation, transport and commercialisation of the products and below produced ittici ; 6. Actuate the commercial valorisation and the sale of the cool product and/or surgelato and/or transformed was of own production and/or of third, to través the management of markets ittici to the ingrosso , centres of collected of the products ittici , nonch aim sale to the detail and to the ingrosso of gestire in own and/or for agreement and/or in concesión of third and besides organise services of transport road aerea , road sea and road earth of the products ittici of centres of production and/or collected to the centres of consumption was in national field than international and finally stipulate agreements with entes public and/or private ; 7. Purchase, take in concesión, in rent and in any other form of entes public and private or of singoli owners terrains and mirrors of water, embalses artificial and/or natural on of the which organise the attivit of peach , acquicoltura and piscicoltura ; 8. Impiantare And gestire Frigoríficos and establishments for the conservation of the products ittici , nonch warehouses and installations for the terminación and transformation of the medesimi ; 9. Realise, purchase and/or gestire for own account and/or for third, integrated services for the tourism in gender in particular of peach tourism, environmental tourism, ittiturismo with the realisation and/or management of structures of restoration, nonch somministrare to the public foods and drinks the all finalizzato to the valorisation of the products ittici ; 10. Organise sagre, noleggio of crafts , of equipment nautica, nonch offer services complete for the sportive peach nonch istituire and/or gestire centres turistici sportive , recreational and cultural of fomento of the culture and of the peach and of the fisherman ; 11. Incrementar The peach turistico sportive. Potr Also Assume was directly that indirectly, interessenze and participations in other societ or companies aventi analogous object od affine or connected to the own , with the expressed exclusion of the collected of saving, tanks near of the public under any form. In particular the societ potr stipulate agreements of mutual with banks and institutions of credit for any one matter and potr consent registrations ipotecarie on of goods of propriet social for that matter that sar ritenuto useful or necessary. The cooperative potr adherir or realise a cooperative group paritetico to norm of the article 2545-Septies c.C. The cooperative potr finally promote also the autofinanciación of the societ cooperative stimolando the spirit of previdenza and of saving of the soci, collecting prestiti between these exclusively to the fine of the achievement of the . The cooperative potr finally emettere instruments finanziari deprive of legislations of administration to offer to investitori qualified to the senses of the article 2526 c.C. The cooperative potr realise each other attivit directly or indirectly finalizzata to the raggiungimento of the social aims.
Prodotti e servizi per aziende:
  • Conservazione e lavorazione di pesce e prodotti a base di pesce
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