
Via Parini 5
01012 - Capranica (Viterbo)
Settore: Informatica Tel. +393200924908 • Chiuso

Le nostre offerte includono la gestione contenuti, la consulenza su piattaforme open-source, la realizzazione di sistemi di supporto decisionale. Offriamo anche l'utilizzo delle GoogleApps, una suite di automazione d'ufficio a costi molto contenuti. ...continua

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BhuddaWeb a Capranica (Viterbo)

Via Parini 5
Capranica (VT)
01012 Italia
Tel. +393200924908
P.IVA 01847210562

Orario lavorativo

Lunedì 09:30-17:00
Martedì 09:30-17:00
Mercoledì 09:30-17:00
Giovedì 09:30-17:00
Venerdì 09:30-17:00
Sabato Giorno di chiusura
Domenica Giorno di chiusura
Adesso sono le ore 23:37

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BhuddaWeb - Prodotti e Servizi

In sanscrito, "bhudda"  means "that it has taken consciousness".

Like this pues, With a minimum of freedom espressiva, "bhuddaweb" can mean "the one who has taken consciousness (of the importance) of the web".

Today, infatti, The world of the communication progredisce quickly, adopting new technical and new methods. If we Want to offer a complete picture, specific and dettagliato of our activity like a mark of quality, of efficiency and professionalità, diventa of primary importance surrender it visible and to discharge of hand, to consent to our company of competere of leading in the global market, governed of rules férreas and of the which do not want to remain cut was.

Take consciousness of this reality means to open our window on of the web, to do us look of the world. An always open window, rebellion to people and cultures also diverse of ours.

A challenge, that the companies have to collect and win; a challenge that, graces also to our supporto, can resupply a significant apporto to your business.

We mass our activity on of solutions and services that can be quickly distributed to cost very low for the small and averages companies.

Our offers include the management of contents, the asesoramiento and the development on of platforms open-source, the realisation of systems of supporto decisionale.

Between the services that offer, want to signal that of initialisation, of development and of management of the family of application GoogleApps, that consent of usufruire of a series of services of automation of office to costs extremely contained.

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