93012 - Gela (Caltanissetta) Settore: Servizi per aziende Tel. 3494936154 - 3934301475
Servizi di consulenza sulle tematiche sicurezza, ambiente e qualità, realizzazione dei sistemi di gestione per l’ottenimento delle certificazioni ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, ISO 22000, ISO 27001, SA 8000, accreditamento laboratori ...continua
HSE SERVICES snc a Gela (Caltanissetta)
Gela (CL)
93012 Italia
(es. www.hse-services-snc.it)
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HSE SERVICES snc - Prodotti e Servizi
We believe firmly, and the facts give us reason, that the adoption of the Systems of Management certified, the acreditación ACCREDIA and the training of the personnel aziendale plough the papers vincenti for To company that wants to competere in the market and gestire the activities in Qualities, in the respect of the Environment, of the Health and Security.
The new Italian legislation infatti Plough adapting to this evolution. The art. 30 of the Legislative Decree 81/08 “ only Text on of the Security” attributes to the effective performance of the Systems of Management of the Security on of the Work (SGSL) an efficiency esimente of the two administrative responsibility of the Legislative Decree 231/01. The characteristics of the models of organisation and management of the security idonei to have this efficiency Plough ricondotte to the Lines Drive UNI INAIL or to the Standard BS OHSAS 18001.
The elected to obtain the certification of To system of management and the acreditación ACCREDIA is surely in the just perspective respect to the present and future development of the national and foreign market, why beyond to constitute an element of strong distinction ensures to the companies of not being excluded of the circuits produttivi of the big buyers.
The certification of To system and the acreditación , ovvero gestire the activities aziendali in compliances to to norm, is like the licence of hunting, have it does not guarantee to fill up the carniere but, is only the prequalificazione that allows to take part to the competition.
HSE SERVICES Is To society of asesoramiento that offers the propri services by means of competitions of personnel of diverse training, in way of svolgere an activity with standard qualitativi high and with costs commisurati to the service thanks to an efficiente organisation aziendale
We offer: Services of asesoramiento on of the tematiche security, environment and quality, realisation of the systems of management for the obtaining of the certifications ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, ISO 22000, ISO 27001, KNOWS 8000, acreditación ACCREDIA (SINAL) for the laboratories of essay (ISO/IEC 17025) and medical laboratories (ISO 15189), evaluation of the risks and training of the personnel
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