Isolda Michele
Installazione, manutenzione, ampliamento e trasformazione di impianti di produzione, trasporto, utilizzazione di energia elettrica all'interno degli edifci a partire dal punto di consegna dell'energia fornita dall'ente distributore relativi agli edifici a ...continua
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Isolda Michele a Liberi (Caserta)
Vico Ferradino 2
Liberi (Merangeli) (CE)
81040 Italia
Liberi (Merangeli) (CE)
81040 Italia
P.IVA 02826780617
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Isolda Michele - Prodotti e Servizi
Installation, maintenance, extension and transformation of installations of production, transport, utilisation of electrical energy to the inner of the edifci from the point of delivery of the energy resupplied of the Ente expendedor relative to the buildings adibiti to civil use, nonche' adibiti to attivita' produttive, to the trade, to the terziario and others use; installation, maintenance, extension and transformation of installations of heating and of climatizzazione azionati of liquid flow, aeriforme, gassoso and other nautra and especially to the inner of buildings adibiti to civil use; installation, maintenance, extension and transformation of installations idrosanitari nonche' those of transport, treatment, of use, of accumulated and of consumption of water to the inner of buildings adibiti to civil use from the point of delivery of the water resupplied of the ente expendedor; installation, maintenance, extension and transformation of installations for transport and utilisation of gas to the liquid are, aeriforme to the inner of the buildings from the point of delivery of the fuel gassosso resupplied of the ente expendedor; installation, maintenance, extension and transformation installation, maintenance, extension and transformation of installations of sollevamento of people or of things for means of elevators, montacarichi, mobile and alike stairs to the inner of buildings adibiti to civil use; installation, maintenance, extension and transformation of installations of protection anticendio to the inner of buildings adibiti to civil use.
Prodotti e servizi per aziende, privati:
- Riparazione e installazione di impianti distribuzione energia elettrica
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Trova altre aziende del settore Edilizia e Impianti:
Campania >
Provincia di Caserta
Referente e amministratore:
Michele Isolda
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