Impresa di pulizie - Costa Maria Maddalena

Via Roma 55
08040 - Loceri (Ogliastra)
Settore: Servizi per aziende Tel. 3939137771 • Aperto

Servizi di pulizia

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Logo piccolo dell'attività Impresa di pulizie - Costa Maria Maddalena

Impresa di pulizie - Costa Maria Maddalena a Loceri (Ogliastra)

Via Roma 55
Loceri (OG)
08040 Italia
Tel. 3939137771
Fax. 0782-767023
P.IVA 00839970910
L'azienda non ha fornito un sito web

Orario lavorativo

Lunedì 08:30-20:30
Martedì 08:30-20:30
Mercoledì 08:30-20:30
Giovedì 08:30-20:30
Venerdì 08:30-20:30
Sabato 08:30-20:30
Domenica Giorno di chiusura
Adesso sono le ore 15:23

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Impresa di pulizie - Costa Maria Maddalena - Prodotti e Servizi
The Company of Cleanings "Costs Maria Maddalena" nasce in the 1989 rebellion to satisfy exigencias of cleaning and sanificazione was of environments sanitari than private. In the course of the years is aggiudicata vary public agreements (Consortium of Bonifica, Cartiera of Arbatax, etc.) Thanks to the quality of the service offered and to the serietà showed, joined to a perfetta interaction of human resources and equipments of avant-garde in the field of the cleaning, in addition to an occasion, the same Ditta is visa prorogare the agreements further of the due term. Of the 1994 to tutt'today begins the collaboration with the Company Or.S.L. N° 4 of Lanusei, guaranteeing the hygiene and the sanificazione of environments particularly impegnativi, also during works of restructuring; guaranteeing always and comunque the agibilità of the same venues and adapting to the exigencias of the structures the propri time of intervention and the quality of the service. At present The company gestisce the cleanings of all the territorial field of the Asl 4 of Lanusei. Of the year 2005 aggiudica also an agreement with the Baldassini-Tognozzi-Pontello General Buildings S.p.To. For the Cantiere SS 125 “New Oriental Sarda, anchor in vigour. Of some year treat continuativamente the cleaning of apartments to private use and for villeggiatura. The company surrender available for activity of facchinaggio and transport of materials vary, cleaning files, interventions of ordinary and extraordinary maintenance of the external spaces circostanti the environments of work. The company can avvalersi, qualora ravvisasse the need, of the collaboration of Ditte skilled and qualified for the transport and the smaltimento of the denials. Besides, Having already in the course of precedents agreements, more times catered of own initiative to interventions, also straordinari, of cleaning and placing of the green spaces, the Company can guarantee, with own personal or, to the occorrenza, skilled personnel, the cleaning and priest of the external green spaces, nonché of the plants ornamentali had to the interior of the venues.
Prodotti e servizi per aziende, privati:
  • Servizi di pulizia, disinfezione e disinfestazione
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