La Ricameria OFFICINA DEI RICAMI Confezioni e Bomboniere d'Autore
95016 - Mascali (Catania) Settore: Tessile e Abbigliamento Tel. 347-3408420 - 329-0647960
Creazioni di Confezioni e Bomboniere Artigianali, porta confetti, sacchetti per matrimonio, laurea, battesimo, eventi e cerimonie varie. ...continua
La Ricameria OFFICINA DEI RICAMI a Mascali (Catania)
Mascali (CT)
95016 Italia
Orario lavorativo
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Domenica | - |
La Ricameria OFFICINA DEI RICAMI - Prodotti e Servizi
The Ricameria WORKSHOP OF THE EMBROIDERIES Confecciones and Bomboniere of Author Have origin In the do 1900 of the tradition of some women sicule that during the cold afternoons of winter gathered to learn "parlottando" the art of the traditional embroidery.
The Ricameria WORKSHOP OF THE EMBROIDERIES Confecciones and Bomboniere of Author projects, realises and confeziona the own Creations exclusively In Italy unlike the that today oramai go in twist; Chinese products of scarsa bill, knitted of indubbia procedencia and bomboniere omologate.
The Ricameria WORKSHOP OF THE EMBROIDERIES Confecciones and Bomboniere of Author realises confecciones for bomboniera personalizzabili, sacchetti door confetti, door confetti, bomboniere for your Events, Cresime, Births, Baptisms, Degrees, Marriages, ecc.
The Salt is direct plough to the detail, that to the ingrosso, in exclusividad to the negozianti that want to offer to his clients to Product Artesanal Exclusive and Only, in what Personalizzabile to second of the tastes of the clients, without minimum of purchase!!!
The only channel of Salt is that on-line, to través which distributed our Products" in All Italy. Our passion and' that of the detail: the stoffe (strictly Made In Italy), the strips, the colours of accostare, plough all small components of to big work.
All our Creations Plough besides personalizzabili to second of the Natures of the event, of the location, of your tastes...Essential elements to give life to To New Creation, the only that can represent you...
The Workshop of the Embroideries surrenders Realizzabile your Contrive.
Recording you infatti to our Sito you Will have the possibility of:
- See very piu' photo: confecciones for bomboniere, the sacchetti, door confetti, divided for category.
- Remain always In contact with Us with our Newsletter
- In the section: Contacts, will have the possibilita' to send one Your Contrive by means of file, to drawing, to schizzo, an image...We Will realise it for You...Surrendering Only yours moment...
To Know the last Our Offers..contattateci...Going on of the Ours Sito :
Can contattarci
- For Email to the direction:
- For telephone to the numbers: 347-3408420 - 329-0647960
Our Salt is indirizzata plough to the detail that to the ingrosso, like this pues if you plough interested to diventare our rivenitori contattateci to
Sacchetti Portaconfetti, Confecciones, Bomboniere, Confecciones Bomboniere, Portaconfetti, Sacchetti Ricamati With Initials, Bomboniere For Marriage, Bomboniere For Birth, Bomboniere For Baptism, Bomboniere For Cresima, Bomboniere For Comunión, Sacchetti Portaconfetti Ingrosso, Birth, Baptism, Comunión, Cresima, Marriage, Wedding, Event, Degree, Bomboniera Degree, Portaconfetti Ingrosso, Fiocchi Birth, Fiocchi Of Birth, Ingrosso Bomboniere, Confetti, Ricameria Workshop Of the Embroideries
Confecciones, Bomboniere, Confecciones For Bomboniere, Portaconfetti, Marriage, Bomboniere On-line Marriage, Bomboniere For Marriage, Confetti, Door Confetti, Confecciones And Bomboniere, Bomboniere Birth, Bomboniere Baptism, Bomboniere Comunión, Bomboniere Cresima, Bomboniere Degree.
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Referente e amministratore:
Stefania D'Amico
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