Ipses S.r.l

Piazzale Giulio Cesare 9
20145 - Milano (MI)
Settore: Elettronica Tel. 02/99068453 • Aperto

Ditta specializzata nello sviluppo e nella progettazione di sistemi elettronici embedded, hardware, firmware e software. Ingegnerizzazioni di sistemi, realizzazioni di prototipi e piccole serie, sistemi per il testing, integrazione hardware. , ...continua

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Ipses S.r.l a Milano (MI)

Piazzale Giulio Cesare 9
Milano (MI)
20145 Italia
Tel. 02/99068453
Fax. 02/700403170
P.IVA 03999740966

Orario lavorativo

Lunedì 08:30-19:00
Martedì 08:30-19:00
Mercoledì 08:30-19:00
Giovedì 08:30-19:00
Venerdì 08:30-19:00
Sabato 08:30-19:00
Domenica 08:30-19:00

Periodi di chiusura

dal 14/08/2010 al 30/08/2010
Adesso sono le ore 16:11
Ipses S.r.l - Prodotti e Servizi


IPSES Work In the field of the technologies of avant-garde, rivolgendo the own activity to the sector of the instrumentation for laboratory and to the planing of electronic solutions personalizzate. We project electronic systems devoted In degree to answer to the specific applications of the client, realising was prototypes, was small series.
We have remarkable experience In the electronics of control and of measure, in the industrial automation, in the development hardware, firmware and software, in the programming of microcontrollori of the Motorola, Microchip, Fujitsu, Mitsubishi and Ubicom, in the development of systems with FPGA Xilinx and in the electronics of power. We offer services Complete of Software desing was for our systems hardware, with possibilities of personalización to second of the own exigencias, was for the systems of our clients. We have plurianual experience of programming applied to systems of Control embedded, electronics scientifica, automotive, networking, telecom, wireless, and systems of industrial control. We occupy us of the management of the project Software, analysis of the requirements, analysis of the sitema, development of the software, testing, documentation, integration, maintenance and upgrade.

IPSES Work In the field of the technologies of avant-garde, rivolgendo the own activity to the sector of the instrumentation for laboratory and to the planing of electronic solutions personalizzate. We project sistemi electronic devoted In degree to answer to the specific applications of the client, realising was prototypes, was small series. We have remarkable experience In the electronics of control and of measure, in the industrial automation, in the development hardware, firmware and software , in the programming of microcontrollori of the Motorola, Microchip, Fujitsu, Mitsubishi and Ubicom, in the development of systems with FPGA Xilinx and in the and lettronicaof power. We offer services Complete of Software desing was for our systems hardware, with possibilities of personalización to second of the own exigencias, was for the systems of our clients. We have plurianual experience of programming applied to systems of Control embedded, electronics scientifica, automotive, networking, telecom, wireless, and systems of industrial control. We occupy us of the management of the project Software, analysis of the requirements, analysis of the sitema, development of the software, testing, documentation, integration, maintenance and upgrade .

Prodotti e servizi per aziende:
  • Manutenzione, riparazione e fabbricazione di apparecchiature controllo processi industriali, strumenti prova, strumenti controllo, apparecchi navigazione, apparecchi prova, apparecchi di misura, strumenti navigazione, strumenti misurazione e apparecchi controllo
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