EuroSystem2000 srl

Via del Mercato 91
41122 - Modena (MO)
Settore: Informatica Tel. 059452094 • Chiuso

EuroSystem2000 da oltre vent'anni il punto di riferimento per le soluzioni ICT., informatica, personal computer , PC, internet, server ...continua

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Logo piccolo dell'attività EuroSystem2000 srl

EuroSystem2000 srl a Modena (MO)

Via del Mercato 91
Modena (MO)
41122 Italia
Tel. 059452094
P.IVA 02564260368

Orario lavorativo

Lunedì 09:00-12:00 15:00-17:30
Martedì 09:00-12:00 15:00-17:30
Mercoledì 09:00-12:00 15:00-17:30
Giovedì 09:00-12:00 15:00-17:30
Venerdì 09:00-12:00 15:00-17:30
Sabato Giorno di chiusura
Domenica Giorno di chiusura
Adesso sono le ore 04:32
EuroSystem2000 srl - Prodotti e Servizi

Eurosystem2000® vanta a consolidated experience in the solutions gestionali and is conscious that your exigencias no assomigliano to those of any other. Our competition put it to the service of your business.

The high Know-How, the competitions matured in diverse sectors of market and the deep knowledge d

The flexibility that contraddistingue our solutions softwares, consents of answer always and in way reattivo, to the dynamics of the markets more mutevoli, for cogliere to the meglio each opportunity. Integrabile And modulated The Suite Area follows the process of growth of the companies to be able to adapt continuously the infrastructure gestionale  to the exigencias of the client

Integrabili With the Suite Area are the verticalizzazioni developed for specific sectors merceologici:

- OdontoSoft®, The most complete software for the management of the laboratories Odontotecnici and Ortodontici

- Assist, The software gestionale devoted to the companies that resupply service of technical assistance to the proopri clients

- AREA CAP, The system gestionale that integrates in an only applicativo the instruments of management of the Consortiums Agrari

- ForMagSoft, The gestionale for the Warehouses of Stagionatura Cheeses

- Business Intelligence, The applicativo that integrate perfectly to resupply statistics approfondite on of the performance aziendali 

Prodotti e servizi per aziende, privati:
  • Creazione di grafica web
  • attività connesse informatica

    software house

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