iTecs Controllo e Localizzatori Satellitari

itecs srl

via san salvaro 2i
35043 - Monselice (Padova)
Settore: Telecomunicazioni Tel. 0429780930

ITecs e' leader nei sistemi di localizzazione e gestione flotte via web,offrendo il servizio di localizzazione satellitare in tempo reale tramite internet o a spot via sms,con localizzatori gps in comodato d'uso o con la possibilità di acquisto ...continua

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iTecs Controllo e Localizzatori Satellitari a Monselice (Padova)

via san salvaro 2i
Monselice (PD)
35043 Italia
Tel. 0429780930
Fax. 0429780930
P.IVA 04136740281

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ITecs Controllo e Localizzatori Satellitari - Prodotti e Servizi

iTecs, Leader in the systems of control satellitare for the management of flotte of industrial means, commercial and private tourisms expands his range of products offering services was to the companies was to the private. To través myFleet now Are covered all the fasce of exigencias to través devices satellitari that offer a complete service for the client:

*)MyFleet Enterprise Conmutador gps/gprs, top of the range, rebellion to industrial vehicles that consents a total control on of the means to través the location and the telemetria allowing to relieve the consumptions and abastecimientos of carburante beyond to it verifies of the style of drive of the autista to través the analysis of the data resupplied of the telemetria

*)MyFleet OnlyTracking Conmutador gps/gprs Rebellion to means pesanti and commercial vehicles with ingressi digital, analogici and digital exits to instrument the means with appositi sensors and command of remote some external circuits like the closing centralised od the blockade of the engine. Besides It Allows the connection to a computer,palmare,display or to a printer..

*)MyFleet Standalone Conmutador gps/gprs Rebellion to the rimorchi and semirimorchi in what deprive of alimentación. Infatti His batteria inner to the ions of lithium ensures a minimum autonomy of 2 weeks. Besides It Allows a main verticalizzazione of the serivizio for the diverse exigencias of the companies

*)MyFleet Small Service 24h conmutador gps/gprs rebellion was to tourisms was to industrial and commercial vehicles. It allows the location in real time and the calculation of the times of sosta and drive beyond to report personalizzati in base to the exigencias of the client

*)MyFleet Small Do of you antifurto satellitare without costs of access to the service. It allows to be avvisati by means of a simple SMS on of the own mobile of the tentativa of theft of your vehicle.

*)Katame Personal tracker Contrived for the one who wishes to locate a person (elderly, boys or people in difficulties) or the own vehicle (car, motorbike or bicycles). Endowed of pulsante antipanico allow to know the position in a certain instant oppure memorizzarne the spostamenti in way continuativo for a true period of time.

*)One Mobile an innovativo software for pda and smartphone that consents you to locate your operators that work out of the walls aziendali, and allows you to send they each type of communication or documentation, deleting the verbal communication, velocizzando the scambio of informations. It comes besides offered the possibility of gestire the sendings and in particular the geographic location of the position of the merce.

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