Europa Service Produzioni Televisive S.r.l

Via Achille Grandi, 7
48123 - Ravenna (RA)
Settore: Editoria Tel. 0544 452250

Articolo 2 - Oggetto 2. Casa di produzione cinetelevisiva, sia per conto proprio che per conto di terzi, di tutte le attivita' di pubblicita', marketing, organizzazione e gestione di reti di vendita ed in particolare, fra l'altro: - Ideazione e coordinam ...continua

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Europa Service Produzioni Televisive S.r.l a Ravenna (RA)

Via Achille Grandi, 7
Ravenna (RA)
48123 Italia
Tel. 0544 452250
Fax. 0544 459079
P.IVA 01285370399
L'azienda non ha fornito un sito web

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Europa Service Produzioni Televisive S.r.l - Prodotti e Servizi

Article 2 - Object 2. House of production cinetelevisiva, was by own account that for account of third, of all the attivita' of pubblicita', marketings, organisation and management of networks of sale and in particular, between the other: - Ideation and coordination of attivita' promocionales attuate by means of technicians of sponsorizzazione, organisation of mostre, convegni and public and private demonstrations also to cultural character and benefico; - Provision of services of public relate records to favour commercial agreements between the operators, the launching of new products and to tutelar the mark and the image of entes eo commercial products; - Planing, invention and realisation of materials, services and programs pubblicitari, with the employment of all the half and the instruments idonei for the espletamento of the suddetta attivita'; - Drivings of pesquisas, required and reliefs of market; - Predisposition, production and control of the preparation of programs radiofonici, televisivi and diverse finalizzati to the attivita' of cui up; - Institution and management of study of pose for riprese photographic; - Commercialisation was in italia that by the foreigner of products televisivi of the societa' realised in own eo in collaboration with other houses of productions or emittenti televisive; - Creation and fomento of the image of characters or groups bequeathed to the world of the show and of the sport, nonche' commercialisation of said imagine using was the media that those promocionales. The societa' potra' svolgere all the other attivita' commercial, industrial, financial, mobiliari and real estates that will be ritenute of the instrumental administrative organ, accesorias, connected, necessary or useful for the realisation of the attivita' that constitute the . In particular, potra' assume and concede agencies, commissions, rappresentanze and mandates, nonche' interessenze and participations in other societa' or companies of any nature aventi analogous object, affine or connected to the own, rilasciare fidejussioni and other guarantees in gender in favour of third. All the attivita' debbono be svolte in the limits and in the respect of the norms that discipline the exercise; in particular, the attivita' of financial nature debbono be svolte in ossequio to the had of the laws in material and, in especially: of the law 23 November 1939 n. 1966 On of the discipline of the societa' fiduciarie and of revisione; of the law 5 August 1981 n. 416 In subject of publishing companies; of the law 10 October 1990 n. 287 In subject of tutela of the competition and of the market; of the d.Lgs. 24 February 1998 n. 58 In material of intermediación financial, nonche' in the respect of the rule in subject of attivita' reserved to iscritti to collegi, orders or albi professional.

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Prodotti e servizi per aziende:
  • Registrazione di musica e canzoni
  • Servizi di produzioni video e produzioni cinematografiche
  • Produzione di video, filmati, cinema, film e studi di registrazione sonora
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