AMP Automazione industriale e Impianti elettrici
A.M.P. di Andrea Porzio
Impianti elettrici civili,commerciali,industriali.Antennista,Domotica,Termoregolazione,Videosorveglianza Antifurto.Quadri elettrici di automazione, controllo energia, rifasamento, distribuzione. Automazione industriale, software di gestione e supervision ...continua
AMP Automazione industriale e Impianti elettrici a Romentino (Novara)
Romentino, (Novara) (NO)
28068 Italia
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AMP Automazione industriale e Impianti elettrici - Prodotti e Servizi
Born in the 2004 has achieved in the twist of few years, thanks to the constant attention in the confrontaciones of the technologies innovative, of the quality and to the assistance to all his clients, an ottimo degree of competition in the fields in which work, and more precisely in the planing of the industrial automation and of the robotica, in the embroider machine for automation, in the planing of civil and industrial automation (today is of fashion call it “Domótica”), in the realisation of civil and industrial installations, in the planing and building of pictures elettrice for “automation” and of distribution and for civil “and industrial use”.
The To.M.P. It is a young and dynamic company, but that derives of the experience matured during the years in the which his titolare have worked ricomprendo roles of high responsibility, in other Final companies Customer in the branch of the industrial automation. Such experiences have carried to the interior of the To.M.P. The knowledge of all the problematiche bequeathed to the industrial automation, splitting of the that is the project, happening for the realisation of the pictures and of the embroider machine, arriving to the stesura of the software and in fine to the collaudi. Stop when it concerns the collaudo are in degree to offer are the collaudo in headquarters to our client are the collaudo near of the final client, that sometimes is the spina of the fianco of the costruttore of the machine, since it is those that need men of confidence, that know dialogar with the final client, that know to be to the direttive of the costruttore of the machine, beyond that of course know do a collaudo, like this pues know electronic,elettrotecnica, pneumatica, maquinal, oliodinamica ... This complete vision has allowed us to grow, graces especially to the confidence that our clients have us concesso, and to develop us also in other sectors that are not only those of the automation, although to be sincere is the industrial automation “that to us likes to do”.
In the ringraziare the gentile reader to having arrived but to here, if it wants now can continue in the reading oppure can greet us.
Good continuation in the virtual world with the hope to see us in that real!
THE titolari
Andrea and Fabrizio
To.M.P. Industrial automation and Control Process
-Industrial automation
-I embroider machine for industrial automation
-Engineering and programming industrial software
-Supervisione And Control of the process produttivo
THE projects of us tended or received of ours clients come afterwards realised for means of our technical personnel that the To.M.P. It has formed, organised, attrezzato and motivated, putting it always to disposal to satisfy and improve the productivity and the security of the applications studied.
To answer meglio to the exigencias of the clientele, the company avvale besides, of the most modern technologies putting big attention to the technical training of his personal. This elected, although to the start has been very onerosa aside ours, today allows us to put to disposal of our clients a technical luggage high professional and equipments to the avant-garde.
All such consent to the To.M.P. To face with extreme professionalità the most diverse applications of market riguardante the industrial automation, rispettando the times of delivery, also those more reduced, and to propose like partner of project in degree of affiancare the client in the critical phases of change or of technological innovation of the product.
The To.M.P. , Thanks to the experience matured in different fields but complementari and to the collaboration of free professional, consultores and ditte handmade with plurianual experience, will solve all the problematiche that present before, during and after the realisation of the project, guaranteeing assistance, professionalità and flexibility in each moment of the cycle produttivo.
To.M.P. Electrical pictures
-Electrical pictures for industrial Automation
-Electrical pictures of Control and Control for civil installations, commercial and industrial
-Electrical pictures of Distribution energy
The To.M.P. Electrical pictures operates in the sector of the building of the electrical pictures, born sector subire after a year of the foundation of the company on of strong pushed of our clients, since always more is you the need to purchase a complete product to avoid incompatibility between the intention of the progettista and the realizzatore of the picture, and avoid traumatic clashes with the one who has to tend the program of the P.L.C. All the electrical pictures are built to the interior of our company, verified and collaudati of ours technical before the delivery to our clients. THE pictures of automation are of the true and own equipments to altissima technology, the market of today allows us of assiemarli with the more disparate technologies, the To.M.P. Thanks to the fact to work in the more disparati sectors of the automation, is in degree to transfer of a sector to the other the varied constructive technologies in way of limitarne the costs and aumentarne the provision.
For what concerns the pictures of distribution and to civil and industrial use bisogna hold account that all the sectors of the human activities are now already characterised of a strong pushed of automation and this, when happening of the years, does not concern more only the activities produttive.
Today Day is always more common the realisation of installations that integrate systems of management and supervisione, also complex and sofisticati, for the control of illumination, climatizzazione, conteggio and optimization of the consumptions of energy.
The presence on of the market of equipments of new conception, economically more competitive of a time respect to the traditional systems elettromeccanici, has surrendered afterwards possible interesting solutions also for the automation of small installations with remarkable advantages of confiabilidades and management.
For the simplest applications are comunque in production equipments with components elettromeccanici typically adibite headed by go# out engine with small logics of operation.
To.M.P. Electrical installations
-Electrical planing cicile, commercial and industrial
-Civil electrical installations, commercial and industrial
-Installations fotovoltaici
-Installations in Domóticas
-Certification of the installations
-Automation Building
-Home Automation
The To.M.P. Installations is complement (imposto of ours final clients) of the To.M.P. Automation and Robotica and of the To.M.P. Electrical pictures, occupy of the installation of Embroider Machine for what concerns the industrial automation, from the preliminary study of the passaggio of the wires, but to the rimontaggio of the installation in the place of destination of the machine. During the first year have learnt how “do not do ” the bordos machine, since occupying us of the collaudo of the machines have look and corrected the errors that have look do, in the second year, some error the have done also we and today that now already are 3 years that do embroider industrial machine, have achieved an ottimo final product, also perchè the maggior part of ours embroider machine have been realised for installations of alimentary type, where the rules are very férreas, anzi can pure to say of steel.
Other field in what operates the To.M.P. Installations is that of the realisation of civil electrical Installations, mainly in villas, in houses to high architectural value, and in houses ove is you a high technological value aggiunto and for example the videosorveglianza, the system antifurto, the management of the charges no prioritari, the control of temperature, the recovery automatico of the tension after a scatto intempestivo of the differenziale previous control of the isolation.
In the field of the installations fotovoltaici, have two installations realised of us in essay, a small installation to “Island” and one to “Scambio of energy”, left anchors some month to do our essays, after we will be pronti also in this sector, and, at least for our zone, will have of the real values of rendimento on of the which discutere.
In the sector of the installations Domotici have worked with the biggest present signatures on of the market, have used was systems KNX that sitemi owners (is. My Home), Have known the pregi and the defects of each mark and the limits of the domótica in general, know also like going beyond these limits, using when it serves the Industrial Automation, which explains many more years of development and investigation and like this pues security and versatilidad of operation.
Automation Building And Home Automstion, Names a bit complicated but that can give, confort, saving energetico, security surrendering your house “Frendly” and your more functional company. Stop when it concerns the Domótica have used all the biggest present marks on of the Italian market and are to knowledge of the limits and of the meraviglie of such systems.
Analogous speech costs stop erase them automatici, the doors to opening automatica and the basculanti. For what concerns the installations fotovoltaici have one “to island” and one “in scambio” of us realised that we are monitorizzando. To today we do not feel us to say that we are of the expert and at least can give of the direct trials, and like having ben senses such is a selva, ask you only the time to take the data of our installations and to leave us work, as soon as on of the sito will see the scheda of the solar that it will not be more “In Building” then you will know qual'is our thought in merit.
Our investments
-Investigation and development
-Equipments and half
This year, although it has been vermante difficult, the AMP Automation has invested:
-In the ristutturazione of the motionless
-In software for planing
-In material informatico
-In courses for the training and innovation on of Photovoltaic, Domótica, PLC Siemens
-In means aziendali
-In equipment
It Is not very, but is the essay that the innovation and the investigation do part of the ours lifestyle
In conclusione...
Without Of the his birth, the company has driven a politics of vertical integration, based on of the padronanza of the fundamental technologies that constitute the heart of his sectors. Of the planing to the maintenance, the products of To.M.P. godono Of a know-how incomparable in the technicians of base: the schemistica electrical developed on of base CAD, the planning, the management of the materials, the technicians of assemblaggio, cablaggio and of qualify. In these fields are are acquisite of the specific competitions that consent us to develop the products of the planing to the physical realisation on of the installations, with a service that push further of the simple supply to arrive to the systematic maintenance, to the update of the installation and to the implementation of ad hoc modifications that surrender necessary for exigencias specific of the client.
The To.M.P., today, it Is known on of the market like an able reality to develop installations 'keys in hand' of high quality, with simple technical solutions and to the same time innovative, his products are present all over the world, index of high professionalità for a company of mould artesanal.
Social reason: To.M.P. Of Andrea Porzio
Sector activity: -Planing and realisation Automation
-Assistance and maintenance of electrical installations
Number REA: NO 206153
Albo handmade companies: NO - 2004 - 67058
P. I.V.To.: 01944210036
C.F.: PRZNDR72M11F952And
Fiscal headquarters: Saint Road Rocco, 11 – 28068 Romentino (NO) Italy
Calm operative: Italy
Prodotti e servizi per aziende, privati:
installazione di apparecchiature distribuzione elettricità
IMPIANTI ELETTRICI civili, commerciali ed industriali, Messa a norma degli impianti elettrici, Domotica, Risparmio Energetico, Fotovoltaico, Termoregolazione, Videosorveglianza (anche tramite Internet e infranet),
Antifurto, Antennistica terrestre, satellitare e digitale terrestre, Cancelli, Citofonia filare e radio, certificazione impianti, consulenza e assistenza tecnica, illuminazioni interne ed esterne per appartamenti, ville e negozi,
allarmi per prevenzione incendi, fughe di gas, dispersione d’acqua, manutenzione impianti presso aziende e condomini, si automatizzano cancelli, finestre, garage, tapparelle e serrande in genere. -
installazione di impianti elettrici
Civili, commerciali, industriali, Fotovoltaici, rispamio energetico, controllo carcihci, termoregolazione, domotica, antifurto, etc
installazione di impianti radio tv
Terrestre, digitale terrestre, satellitare
installazione di impianti telecomunicazioni
Reti CAT5 e 6. Reti di sorvegliaza su IP
installazione di impianti telefonici
Impianti cablati, impianti cordless, centralini telefonici
installazione di apparecchiature controllo elettricità
MPIANTI ELETTRICI civili, commerciali ed industriali, Messa a norma degli impianti elettrici, Domotica, Risparmio Energetico, Fotovoltaico, Termoregolazione, Videosorveglianza (anche tramite Internet e infranet),
Antifurto, Antennistica terrestre, satellitare e digitale terrestre, Cancelli, Citofonia filare e radio, certificazione impianti, consulenza e assistenza tecnica, illuminazioni interne ed esterne per appartamenti, ville e negozi,
allarmi per prevenzione incendi, fughe di gas, dispersione d’acqua, manutenzione impianti presso aziende e condomini, si automatizzano cancelli, finestre, garage, tapparelle e serrande in genere. - Installazione di impianti allarme
riparazione apparecchiature distribuzione elettricità
Quadri elettrici
Macchine industriali
Impianti civili, commerciali, industriali
riparazione apparecchiature controllo elettricità
Quadri elettrici
Macchine industriali
Impianti civili, commerciali, industriali
manutenzione apparecchiature distribuzione elettricità
Manutenzione di impianti elettrici civili, industriali e commerciali
Manutenzione di impianti di produzione automatizzati
Manutenzione di macchine industriali
manutenzione su quadri elettrci
manutenzione apparecchiature controllo elettricità
Manutenzione di impianti elettrici civili, industriali e commerciali
Manutenzione di impianti di produzione automatizzati
Manutenzione di macchine industriali
manutenzione su quadri elettrci
fabbricazione apparecchiature distribuzione elettricità
QUADRI ELETTRICI per impianti civili, commerciali, industriali, di rifasamento, automazione, prove sui quadri elettrici, verifiche sui quadri elettrici,
certificazione dei quadri elettrici. Siamo in grado di realizzare qualsiasi tipo di quadro elettrico, podio o ponte di comando, compresi i quadri speciali destinati a clienti con capitolati particolari. Tutti i quadri elettrici vengono realizzati in conformità alle norme CE, su richiesta costruiamo anche quadri elettrici conformi alle normative americane UL e canadesi CSA.
fabbricazione apparecchiature controllo elettricità
QUADRI ELETTRICI per impianti civili, commerciali, industriali, di rifasamento, automazione, prove sui quadri elettrici, verifiche sui quadri elettrici,
certificazione dei quadri elettrici. Siamo in grado di realizzare qualsiasi tipo di quadro elettrico, podio o ponte di comando, compresi i quadri speciali destinati a clienti con capitolati particolari. Tutti i quadri elettrici vengono realizzati in conformità alle norme CE, su richiesta costruiamo anche quadri elettrici conformi alle normative americane UL e canadesi CSA.
Invia un messaggio a AMP Automazione industriale e Impianti elettrici
Referente e amministratore:
Andrea Porzio
Principali competitors
- Icem Industria Costruzioni Elettromeccaniche S.r.l apparecchiature distribuzione elettricità
- Ics Elettronica S.r.l apparecchiature elettriche
- Venegoni Simone elettrodomestici
- DI.EMME Elettrotecnica di Mastrotto Dino & C. S.a.s accessori e ricambi apparecchiature elettriche
- M P M S.r.l apparecchiature elettriche
- Itallarm di Felice Occhetta materiali telefonici
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