Don Tomasi S.n.c. di Terrasi Giuseppe& C

Corso Umberto I 399
90048 - San Giuseppe Jato (Palermo)
Settore: Alimenti

La societa' ha per scopo sociale: di acquistare o di ottenere in affitto, ed a qualsiasi titolo, terreni ed appartamenti a privati o a societa', al fine di: costruire magazzini per la conservazione, la produzione e la commercializzazione di prodotti agric ...continua

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Don Tomasi S.n.c. di Terrasi Giuseppe& C a San Giuseppe Jato (Palermo)

Corso Umberto I 399
San Giuseppe Jato (PA)
90048 Italia
P.IVA 04847510825
L'azienda non ha fornito un sito web

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Don Tomasi S.n.c. di Terrasi Giuseppe& C - Prodotti e Servizi
The societa' has for social aim: to purchase or to obtain in rent, and to any title, terrains and apartments to private or to societa', finally of: build warehouses for the conservation, the production and the commercialisation of agricultural products and for the ricovero of the machines and relative escoltas of warehouse; cantine and installations enologici for the terminación of the grape with the annexes necessary equipments for the conservation, the imbottigliamento and the commercialisation of the wine and alike products: centres of collected of the milk with the realisation of installations caseifici model, for the pastorizzazione and the commercialisation of the milk and propri derivatives; complexes zootecnici and purchase of his equipments and machineries, comprised macelli, with annex prosciuttificio, for the slaughtering and the commercialisation of the meats of each animal species; establishments and bottoms rustici gia' existent to improve the produttivita', in reference to the quantita' and qualita', of the societa', of the societa'; mills and pastifici for the commercialisation of the relative products finalizados; iompianti and structures in invernaderos for the crop and the commercialisation of piantagioni of each gender; installations of crianza vary in particular for the apicoltura, for the crianza and the commercialisation of the species allevate and his products; tank of abastecimiento of carburante and alike products for the commercialisation of carburanti and lubrificanti and sottoprodotti agricultural; machines and equipments of each gender for any service in agricolcura to operate sottoforma of company and to employ in the cycle of the agricultural productions and of crianzas in gener; realisation of frantoi for the transformation of the olives, stoccaggio and imbottigliamento of the oil olive; realisation of structures for the collected, corsertvazione of the agricultural products and the transformation of the fruit in gender; realise projects of miglioramento fondiario was in the propri bottoms that in the bottoms driven to any title of the societa'. For the raggiungimenmto of cui to the first boss, the societa' potra' usufruire of contributions and agevolazioni of the national laws, regional, entes territorial and of the comunita' europa emanated, or emanande, relative to the planing, the execution, the assistance, the assistance, the transformation and the miglioramento of the attivita' of cui to the same first boss, and cater to contract mutual with institutions bancari or/and entes convenzionati for any fabisogno social. The trade to the ingrosso and to the detail, imports and exports, of the nbeni products of cui to the following specialisations of the pictures merceologiche foreseen of the ex law n. 426 Of the and successive modifications, and precisely: the - Ia - Ii - Iii - Iv - V - You - Vii - Viii - Ix - X - Xi - Xii - Xiiin and xiv domestic and no domestic, machines and attrezzatureper the industry, machcine, equipments, articles and produced for the trade and the artesanía, equipments, articles and installations of condizionamento and of riscaldamentio, rottami and material of recovery, houses and swimming pools prefabricated, bigiotteria, articles of gift, parafarmaceutici, sanitari, presidi medical-Chirurgici, articles and equipments ortopediche and acoustic, prosthesis in gender, machines, equipments, articles and products mddico-Scientifici, sanitari, medicali and odontoiatrici, chemical products, machine equipments and articles for the toponomastica and for the segnaletica stradale, machines, equipments and articles for the amoblamiento and the urban hygiene, scalp and pellami, machines to sew, of maglieria and of stiro, articles in wax, campers, roulottes, carrelli and relative ricambi and accesorios, bicycles, lubrificanti, articles and produced for the hygiene and the cleaning of the person. Besides The societa' potra' exercise each attivita' commercial for the due sectors of the l.114/98 And of the l.R. 28/99 And successive modifications and integrations. Besides The societa' potra' fulfil each operation mobiliare, real estate and commercial that it was ritenuta useful or necessary to the raggiungimento of the .
Prodotti e servizi per aziende, privati:
  • Produzione di vino
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