Idrotermigas di Loprieno Vito Michele & C., S.a.s
Zona Industriale Via del Commercio
88060 - Satriano (Catanzaro) Settore: Edilizia e Impianti Tel. 096722053
88060 - Satriano (Catanzaro) Settore: Edilizia e Impianti Tel. 096722053
L'esercizio dell'attivita' in forma industriale di impianti termici, elettrici, idraulici ed idrosanitari in genere. Manutenzione e riparazione di impianti termici, elettrici, idraulici e idrosanitari. Effettuare la realizzaione e la manutenzione di quadr ...continua
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Idrotermigas di Loprieno Vito Michele & C., S.a.s a Satriano (Catanzaro)
Zona Industriale Via del Commercio
Satriano (CZ)
88060 Italia
Satriano (CZ)
88060 Italia
P.IVA 02444500793
L'azienda non ha fornito un sito web
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Idrotermigas di Loprieno Vito Michele & C., S.a.s - Prodotti e Servizi
The exercise of the attivita' in industrial form of installations termici, electrical, fontaneros and idrosanitari in gender. Maintenance and repair of installations termici, electrical, fontaneros and idrosanitari. Effect the realizzaione and the maintenance of pictures and command electrical of each type and gender with all cio' that attiene pertiene to the tipologia of the gender of cui up; - The realisation of new initiatives in the meridional territories, and due of the article 14 of the law 1 March 1986, n, 64, to través it svolgimento of the following attivita', was by own account that of third: the installations of production, of transport, of distribution and of utilisation of enercia electrical to the interior of the buildings from the point of delivery of the energy resupplied of the ente expendedor; the installations radiotelevisivi and electronic in gender, the antennas and the installations of protection of scariche atmosferiche; the installations of heating and of climatizzazione azionati of liquid fluid, aeriforme, gassoso and of any nature or especially; the installations idrosanitari nonche' those of transport, of treatment, of use of accumulate and of consumption of water to the interior of the buildings from the point of delivery of the water resupplied of the user expendedor; the installations for the transport and the utilisation of gas to the liquid state or aeriforme to the interior of the buildings from the point of delivery of the fuel gassoso resupplied of the ente expendedor; the installations of sollevamento of people or of things for means of elevators, of montacarichi, of mobile or alike stairs; the installations of protection antincendio; the production, the planing and realisation of electronic programs and procedures softwares, was of base that applicativi; the provision of services, assistance and asesoramiento to the companies that operate prevalentemente in the meridional territories, professional, artists, handmade, was entes public or private than physical people; the noleggio of electronic programs or procedures sortware; the execution of works of programming, of detection and elaboración by means of electronic programs products and/or procedures softwares, of data aziendali and statistical for third account, nonche' the realisation of banks give you; the noleggio total or partial of the banks give you realised, also to backrest of the attivita' produttive, nonche' of installations, instruments, machines, equipments; the commercialisation to the ingrosso or to the minute of all the up and sottoelencati; the organisation and the management of courses of training and professional update; the organisation of convegni, fiere, mostre; the collected and fomento advertising; the asesoramiento and study of fattibilita' of industrial investments; the asesoramiento and assistance in the financial investigation; intermediación in transactions mobiliari and real estates; the assistance, asesoramiento or the management and realisation of works and buildings for account of third; essays and collaudi on of materials and buildings. Potra' Finally Fulfil and realise any type of operation of character mobiliare, real estate and financial in the full respect of the raggiungimento of the social aim.
Prodotti e servizi per aziende, privati:
- Installazione di impianti sollevamento edifici, impianti elettrici e impianti elettronici
- Riparazione di impianti elettrici e impianti elettronici
Altre aziende del settore Edilizia e Impianti in
Calabria >
Provincia di Catanzaro
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Calabria >
Provincia di Catanzaro
Referente e amministratore:
Luigi scrivo
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