GPS - Globe Postal Service : Comunicato Stampa
  • 17 lug GPS - Globe Postal Service
    14:39 - 17 lug 2014 Roma (RM)

    GPS shows Video Summer

    Presented by Globe Postal Service the new venture for the summer 2014.

    GPS Video summer. This is the name of the new initiative presented by Globe Postal Service, the new italian postal brand dedicated to the service tourists in Italy! With this initiative the italian company thanks all the people who already used its postal services and wants to raise awareness about its services.

    Stefano Paniconi, CEO of Globe Postal Service said: “We wants to say thank you to each of the 2.000.000 of users who entrusted us with their thoughts written on a postcard, because, we still call postcards emotions”.

    With the initiative Video Summer, GPS sends to the customer a Free code to have fun with the friends through the APP GPS video in a Postcard! With the GPS App indeed, everyone can share with his friends free videomessages about the summer 2014. Even those who are not customers yet, can try the multimedial service offered by GPS!

    It’s easy and fast: between the 16 and the 31 of july everyone can ask the free code on the GPS page on facebook, simply filling the form online.

    “With this initiative everyone can test our multimedial service already on sale for over two years” – continue Stefano Paniconi – “it’s the only service able to join emotions on the paper, in our case, on postcards”.

    And it’s not over! Indeed between the 16 of july and 21 of september, all the videomessages sent through the GPS App can be shared on the GPS page on facebook to become one of the GPS icons for the summer 2014.

    “Keep trained with your camera because the GPS emotions are not over”. Stefano Paniconi announces that  ”We are working to a photo contest for the year 2015 to rewards the better shots and make them GPS stamps with a printing of 200.000 pieces”. - 2025
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